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What is Speech and Language Therapy?

A Speech and Language Therapist helps people with communication disorders. The ability to communicate is central to all that we do, to who we are, how we learn and how we relate to each other.

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Getting help is the beginning of the journey

Can you imagine the struggle of not being able to communicate?

A child or adult with a communication disorder may encounter many obstacles to learning, communicating and employment. Communication is involved in much of the school day. Students need to listen, write responses, and interact with peers and teachers.


Don’t know where to turn? Not sure which professional?

A Speech-Language Therapist assesses and treats the following:

Speech production

Remediation of misarticulated speech sounds, development of the speech sound system, planning and coordinating the oro-motor movements needed to make speech sounds


Fluency disorders include stuttering, a condition in which the flow of speech is interrupted by abnormal stoppages, repetitions, or prolonging sounds and syllables.


  • Receptive language: This is the understanding of language. Receptive disorders refer to difficulties understanding or processing language.
  • Expressive language: This is the use of language. Expressive disorders include difficulty putting words together, vocabulary limitations, sentence formulation, grammar, vocabulary expansion, and verbal reasoning and storytelling/narrative skills.
  • Pragmatic language: This is the ability to use language in a socially appropriate way.

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What help options are available?

Auditory Perception

This refers to the processing of heard information. This is not linked to hearing acuity. This relates to auditory memory, the ability to follow oral directions, discrimination of similar and same sounding words, understanding of information presented verbally and reasoning skills.

Phonological Awareness

Phonological awareness skills refer to the ability to manipulate sounds within words, and having awareness of the phonological structure, or sound structure, of words. This is precursor for developing reading and literacy skills. This includes hearing sounds in words, segmenting sounds in a word, blending sounds together, and rhyming skills.

Voice disorders

This includes issues with the pitch, volume, or quality of the voice.

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We have an experienced team of professionals available to help moms, dads, kids, adults, teens, couples

What people say about us

I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful work that you've done over the past year. We're so happy that he has come out of his shell and is now interacting so well with familiar and unfamiliar people.
I must admit, I first came to the centre reluctantly, and was not very enthusiastic about starting therapy. Now…. I look forward to my regular sessions. I absolutely LOVE my “pre – therapy” coffee and catch-ups with the Practice manager, who is the life and soul of the centre.
As a parent it has been such a good experience dealing with a team who are so warm and caring, and yet very professional!! My child’s attitude to coming to the centre speaks for itself.
Had an incredible experience at this practice. The psychologist was authentic, efficient and the help I received was life changing. I would not hesitate at recommending this centre. Everything you could need and more!